19 articles
How do you calculate journey times?
What modes of transport do you support?
Why are there disconnected areas in the isochrone?
Does the driving model include live traffic?
Do you use Google Maps travel data?
Why is a public transport journey not showing up?
Can I calculate other metrics other than travel times?
How does the cycling model work?
How does the driving+train model work?
Is the time needed to change trains or busses included?
Is walking included in the public transport models?
How do the models determine which route to take?
What happens if a driving journey begins away from a road?
What is the default walking speed?
What modes of transport are included in the public transport model?
How can I see how many different public transport parts there are in a route?
Do you support future transport networks?
Can I make changes to the underlying transport network before running my analysis?
How accurate are the drive times?