TravelTime licences typically come with a limit on the number of requests (or 'hits') that you can make per minute. By default the Alteryx macros will send as many requests as they can, one after another, to complete the analysis being run. But this can sometimes mean that you will hit your per minute limit before your analysis has completed and subsequent requests will return an error.
To fix this, you can update the Throttle tool within any of the macros by following these steps:
Add the macro to a workflow
Right click the macro and then select "Open Macro"
Scroll across until you find the green container
Locate the Throttle tool and click it to open:
In the tool configuration, enter a suitable value
Save the macro
Note on usage limits by macro
For the Isochrones macro, each request contains one 'hit', so you should enter your maximum hits per minute into the Throttle.
For the Routes, Travel Time Matrix, and Reachable Points Filter macros, each request contains 10 'hits', so you should enter 1/10 of your maximum hits per minute into the Throttle. For example if your licence allows for 120 hits per minute, you should set a throttle value of 12.
For the Geocoding macro, there is no per minute limit so you do not need to configure the Throttle tool.